A Law Career

  • Be Careful That You Don't Regret These Personal Injury Decisions

    31 May 2018

    Being involved in a car accident can be both traumatic and incredibly taxing on your physical and mental health, and this situation might be one that can lead to poor decisions. You could be harming yourself more than you might have imagined if you make any of the following regretful decisions when it comes time to have your case heard at trial. Read on and avoid having later regrets about these claim-related issues.

  • Handle An Unpleasant Situation That Involves Being Stuck On A Malfunctioning Ferris Wheel

    2 May 2018

    Riding a Ferris wheel at a country fair will allow you to see the entire layout of the fair from a unique vantage point. But, what happens if the ride malfunctions and you are stuck at the top of the wheel for countless hours, just to find out that you have to climb down the ride's frame with only the aid of a safety harness and rope? Prepare yourself for an unpleasant scenario by reading the strategies that follow.

  • What Happens To Your Car Accident Injury Claim If You Move Out Of State

    3 March 2018

    No matter how careful you are, accidents happen and people get injured. If this happens to you, you'll want to seek treatment immediately and make a personal injury claim with your insurer as soon as possible. Depending on the extent of your injury, the compensation can be hefty. You do not want to do anything that will jeopardize your claim. You may have been on the verge of moving to a new state when the accident occurred.

  • Why The Custodial Parent May Deny Your Visitation Rights Even If You Haven't Done Something Wrong

    3 March 2018

    In most cases when one parent denies the noncustodial parent visitation rights, it is because the other parent has done something wrong. For example, the custodial parent may deny the other parent their visitation rights if the noncustodial parent is abusing the kids, abusing drugs or not paying child support. However, there are also cases where the custodial parent may deny your visitation rights even if you haven't done something wrong in the literal meaning of the word.

  • Five Tips To Help You Get As Much As Possible When Claiming Workers Comp

    31 January 2018

    If you have been injured in the workplace, you are entitled to workers compensation. But how much you are awarded will depend on a lot of factors, from the extent of your injury to how long it keeps you out of work. Here are five tips to help you get as much as possible when claiming workers comp. 1. See a doctor right away. Do not delay seeing a doctor after you're injured at work.

  • Common Myths Related To Car Accident Cases That Can Hurt Your Case If You Believe Them

    27 December 2017

    There are many myths out there related to car accidents and personal injury claims. Unfortunately, if you believe any of these myths, your personal injury case may be harmed. Here are a few common myths related to car accident claims that can wind up hurting your case.  You Should Give Your Pain Time to Naturally Resolve Following a Car Accident One of the mistakes that people make following a car accident is not stating that they are in pain or not seeking medical treatment.

  • If Your Child Is Injured At Sports Practice Should You Sue?

    27 November 2017

    No sporting activity comes to mind that is without injury. Even children at a playground will come away with cuts and bruises. Despite this, should you be accepting of any injuries your child sustains while playing a sport just because sporting activities are expected to be forceful? There are instances where you cannot sue anyone for your child's injuries and some where you can. Because of "assumption of risk", it can be difficult to bring a lawsuit against the school football or basketball team since your child decided to participate in the sport knowing the potential risks.