The COVID-19 crisis has left many workers feeling like they're being forced to accept health and safety risks that they aren't always willing to take. A skilled workers comp attorney can fight to make sure your employer keeps you safe and seek restitution for employers who break COVID protocols.
Here are some of the ways that a workers comp attorney can help you if you feel like your employer is putting your health and safety in jeopardy.
Breaking Protocol
Employers have a responsibility and legal obligation to put health and safety before profits. Sadly, during the COVID-19 crisis, many employers did not create or follow the COVID protocols needed to ensure the safety of their employees.
Protocols: if your employer did not institute and clearly explain their COVID-19 protocols, they did not properly protect their employees. A workers comp attorney can seek damages if you contracted COVID-19 on the job and/or brought the virus home from work. For instance, if you can trace your COVID-19 exposure to a work environment without protocols, your workers comp attorney can seek restitution for damages that include: lost wages, medical bills, the medical bills of your immediate dependents, the wages lost by the income earners in your household, extra child care costs, and emotional trauma. To help your workers comp attorney build your case, it's critical to share any information or communications you had with your employer concerning COVID protocols.
Breaking Protocol: although most employers developed COVID protocols, many did not follow them. If you were impacted by these lapses in COVID protocols, your workers comp attorney can help you seek damages. This is particularly important if your employment was terminated or reduced because you contracted COVID and/or no longer felt safe going to work. Similar to the advice above, share all communications you had with your immediate supervisors, administrators, and/or human resource representatives. You will also want to organize and compile your medical bills and records for your workers comp lawyer.
Remaining Remote
Some employers have started phasing out remote work options. If you have worked remotely and do not feel comfortable returning to the physical work environment, your workers comp attorney can help you file a claim against your employer if they insist on ceasing working remotely. To make your case stronger, you may need to share your medical records to demonstrate why working in the physical environment poses a danger to your health and/or someone in your household.