A Law Career

How To Help Your Young Family Member Seek Out Emancipation After Parent/Child Domestic Violence

by Ruby Mckinney

Teens experiencing abuse from parents is a serious situation that should be rectified immediately. If you have a teenager in your family who is going through an abusive situation, you should report any violent incidents to the proper authorities immediately. If your family member decides that they would prefer to go through the emancipation process rather than being permanently placed with another family or in foster care, here are some steps to help them take to work out their permanent plan.

Go over the court necessities for emancipation

The emancipation of a minor is a serious court decision. In order to be legally separated from the guardianship of their parents, a teenager must prove that they have just cause and will be able to care for themselves. Family domestic violence will be taken into account as the reason a teenager should be legally separated from their guardian, however some judges will see emancipation as a drastic measure. Be sure to document the reasons that the teenager is seeking emancipation specifically and why it was decided as the best plan.

Find a domestic violence lawyer for the case

A domestic violence lawyer, such as at http://www.jdlarsonlaw.com, is the attorney that you should seek when going to court for emancipation due to violence. Domestic violence lawyers understand the logistics of dealing with violence in homes and often represent clients who have been through or have been accused of domestic violence. These lawyers know just what proof and persuasion the judge will be looking for on behalf of a child who has been abused. Once you find a good domestic violence attorney, they can help see the teenager through the duration of their emancipation court case.

Get future plans together

One of the major pitfalls that teens will experience when seeking emancipation is convincing a judge that they have life plans outside of their family. For older teens who are looking to get emancipated, they should have a solid after college plan. If possible, they should apply for colleges or trade school programs prior to seeking emancipation. Emancipated minors will also need to have their own income and place to stay, without the support of their parents. A job with steady income, a proper budget, and a secure place to stay will be necessary for emancipation to be approved. If possible, take in your emancipated teenage family member so that they do not have to worry about finding secure housing for the duration of the court case.

Help recreate family ties with siblings and family

Although a child may wish to be separated from the legal authority of their parents, family ties will be even more important to them. Help the teenager come up with a plan to spend time with their siblings who may be with the parents or placed in other homes. If extended family is still in the picture, make sure that everyone gets together on a regular schedule and for special occasions. Contact with a support network will increase a teens changes of thriving after legal emancipation due to domestic violence.
