A Law Career

Common Myths Related To Car Accident Cases That Can Hurt Your Case If You Believe Them

by Ruby Mckinney

There are many myths out there related to car accidents and personal injury claims. Unfortunately, if you believe any of these myths, your personal injury case may be harmed. Here are a few common myths related to car accident claims that can wind up hurting your case. 

You Should Give Your Pain Time to Naturally Resolve Following a Car Accident

One of the mistakes that people make following a car accident is not stating that they are in pain or not seeking medical treatment. Many people think they are just stiff and sore after an accident, and they should give these symptoms time to naturally resolve on their own. It is imperative to seek medical treatment after a car accident, if you are injured or in pain. If you wind up being injured, it can be harder to show that the injuries are related to the car accident, if you wait after the accident to seek medical care. 

You Cannot File a Personal Injury Claim If the Police Report Finds You At Fault

Another myth related to car accident cases is that you cannot file a personal injury case if the police report states you are at fault for the accident. However, this is not true. A personal injury attorney may be able to show that the police report was wrong about who was at fault and why. Additionally, some states allow you to seek compensation from the other driver, if you both had fault in the accident. While they may not have to pay all of your bills, they may have to pay half of their costs, if you both were equally at fault. 

You Do Not Have to Be in Any Hurry to File a Personal Injury Case

The last myth related to personal injury cases is that you should not be in any hurry to file a case. This is not true. There is a statute of limitations. Your case must be filed by this date or you will be unable to bring a case against the other party for the accident. The amount of time you have to file a claim varies from state to state. Always ensure you know when the statute tolls, and file your claim before this date. 

If you have been injured in an automobile accident, you should always have a consultation with a personal injury attorney. They can help you determine whether you have a case and help to clarify some of the incorrect information you may believe about personal injury cases. Call an attorney today to schedule your consultation.
