A Law Career

  • How To Help Your Young Family Member Seek Out Emancipation After Parent/Child Domestic Violence

    17 November 2015

    Teens experiencing abuse from parents is a serious situation that should be rectified immediately. If you have a teenager in your family who is going through an abusive situation, you should report any violent incidents to the proper authorities immediately. If your family member decides that they would prefer to go through the emancipation process rather than being permanently placed with another family or in foster care, here are some steps to help them take to work out their permanent plan.

  • How To Financially Plan For A Disabled Child's Care In The Long Term

    30 October 2015

    If you're concerned about the long-term well-being of children who have developmental disabilities that make it difficult for them to support themselves, then it's important to take some steps to handle this issue. Here are a few ways you can do this. Setting Up a Quasi-Revocable Living Trust If you're also worried about your own long-term mental state, a good approach is to set up a quasi-revocable living trust to care for the child in the long term.

  • It's All Your Fault: Understanding A Fault-Based Divorce

    14 October 2015

    When you're filing for divorce, it's going to be your decision whether you file for a no-fault or a fault-based divorce. Your attorney may suggest one over the other, but understanding what constitutes a fault-based divorce is important before you file. After all, fault-based and no-fault divorces both require that you have some legally valid grounds to file for divorce, but the grounds required for filing a fault-based divorce are limited.

  • Divorce And Credit Card Debt: The Basics

    29 September 2015

    Getting divorced is a difficult experience in the best of circumstances, but it's even more complicated when a large amount of credit card debt is involved. Credit card obligations cannot be ignored, however, even when a marriage is dissolving. Not dealing effectively with this issue could put your financial future at risk. This article looks at some of the basic facts you need to know concerning this serious topic.  Responsibility  Perhaps the key question regarding the issue of credit card debt and divorce is whether you are responsible for the debt.

  • 2 Reasons To Hire A Probate Lawyer When A Loved One Dies Without A Will

    9 September 2015

    If a close loved one passes away and does not have a will, you may want to seek advice from a probate lawyer. A will is an important document used to distribute assets after a person dies, and this distribution can get tricky when there is no will to work with. Here are two reasons you should get legal help for this situation. To Understand The Probate Process When a person dies, the probate court is used regardless of whether there is a will or not.

  • 3 Ways A Social Security Attorney Can Help You

    19 August 2015

    If you want to receive compensation for an injury you sustained at work, you may need to rely on the expertise of a social security attorney to do so. There is a great deal of paperwork that must be completed and it's important to get these done accurately to improve your chances of receiving payment.  By knowing specific ways your attorney can assist you, you can be more prepared to get the money you need.

  • 3 Myths About Being Arrested For A DWI

    5 August 2015

    Not only do you threaten the safety of others when drinking and driving, but there is the possibility of getting arrested for a DWI. It can be tough to clear your name of the legal issues surrounding a DWI. Learn the truth behind the following three myths to avoid getting a DWI. Myth: You Are Sober If You Can Pass A Sobriety Test Many people think that if they are sober enough to pass a sobriety test, they are sober enough to drive.