A Law Career

  • Legally Dealing With The Consequences Of A Car Accident

    16 July 2020

    Some of the most traumatic car accidents are the ones that happen when a driver doesn't expect it, such as while waiting for a streetlight to turn green. Not only does a driver have to deal with the trauma of getting hit from behind in such a case, but the impact of the collision can cause them to slam into the vehicle that is in front of their car. When there are multiple collisions in a single accident, placing the blame on a specific driver can be a little more complicated than when there are only two drivers.

  • How An Environmental Law Practice Can Help Your Business Go Green

    16 June 2020

    Going green can help your business in more ways than you may realize. Not only does it help your business do its part to protect the planet, but it also helps you do all the following: Keep in compliance with local, state, and federal environmental guidelines. Save money. Boost employee morale. Expand your customer base to include earth-conscious consumers. Working with an environmental law practice can help you keep your business on the right path toward greener operations so you enjoy all these benefits and more.

  • Is Your Divorce Going to Trial? What to Know about Divorce Depositions

    12 May 2020

    Are you being asked to give a deposition as part of your divorce before it goes to trial? If so, here are a few things that you should know about this part of the process.  When a Deposition Is Necessary A deposition is not always required in a divorce, but it is sometimes necessary when a lawyer wants to establish facts about the divorce before starting the trial. It is common to be asked various questions about finances and accounts that you hold, any health issues you are experiencing, parenting questions, or questions regarding fault over the divorce.

  • When Is It Entrapment?

    6 April 2020

    One of the most widely misunderstood concepts in American law is the notion of entrapment. The legal definition of entrapment is an action by the police, a prosecutor, or another law enforcement official that encourages or forces a person to commit a crime. Especially given how involved certain figures, such as undercover cops, can be in investigations, it may seem like there's ample opportunity for entrapment to happen. If someone asks a criminal defense attorney to consider such an argument, though, they should be prepared to have at least one of the three following conversations.

  • Dos And Don'ts Of Dealing With An Injury From A Neighbor's Backyard Rink

    27 January 2020

    If you live in a state with cold winters, you probably won't have to look very far to see a neighbor who has turned part of his or her yard into a skating rink. Outdoor skating rinks in yards provide hours of entertainment for neighborhood children, but they can occasionally be a risk to local residents. One type of issue that you could face is to be hit with a flying hockey puck while walking past the yard.

  • When To Fight For The Family Home

    27 January 2020

    If your marriage is ending, you might have a lot of questions about what you should be fighting for in court or mediation. Is it worth it to fight for your family home? Property, including the marital home, can be a major point in your divorce, especially if both of you felt like you put equal effort into paying for the house. On the other hand, you might learn that it simply is not worth your time and effort to fight for the house.

  • Tips For Addressing Gender Discrimination Cases

    27 December 2019

    When you are trying to keep your protect your rights, you will need to be aware of what the law says and how you can get legal representation. This is particularly important when it comes to instances of gender discrimination. Dealing with a gender discrimination case can be difficult, so you owe it to yourself to reach out to a professional that can assist you. Follow the points in this article so that you are taken care of.