28 September 2016
If you are in the process of going through a personal injury lawsuit, you'll want to make sure that you are able to create and maintain a strong relationship with your attorney. Here are three tips that will help you make your relationship more productive for your case. #1 Always Tell The Truth Your attorney is going to need to ask you a lot of questions and get a lot of information from you in order to proceed forward with your case.
7 September 2016
Most people only declare bankruptcy as a last-ditch effort to get out from under a burden of debt and to make a fresh financial start. Your financial future can be quite uncertain when you are in the middle of the process, but once you file you will undoubtedly begin to feel a great sense of relief. Many bankruptcy filers wonder sadly if they will ever be able to use credit again to buy a car or a house, since the federal filing stays on your credit report for a very long time.
1 August 2016
It is illegal for employers to discriminate against or fire employees for having disabilities. However, there isn't anything in the law that prevents employers from firing workers while they are on disability leave and/or collecting benefits, as long as the reason for the dismissal isn't because of their physical or mental condition. If you're worried your employer may give your job to someone else while you're out recovering or dealing with your medical issues, here are two ways you may be able to protect your position.
19 July 2016
For many people, real estate comprises the bulk of an estate. For those charged with dealing with the estate of a loved one, the dispensing of that real estate can be tricky. It can be confusing if the will states that your deceased parent has left you with the responsibility of being the executor, you may be concerned about how to properly and fairly divide up the family home. Read on to learn more about how probate deals with the family home when a loved one passes away.
12 June 2016
If you've been injured on the job, you might be worried about how it will affect your family and your future. Being injured on the job is stressful, especially if you're the sole breadwinner for your family. Don't take chances with your future, or your family's future. Mistakes you make following your accident may have serious repercussions. In fact, some mistakes can make it difficult for you to receive the benefits you're entitled to.
25 May 2016
Should you represent yourself in a divorce? Some couples can successfully divorce without the help of a lawyer, while others do require the services of a divorce lawyer. Understanding the circumstances in which it is in your best interest to engage a divorce lawyer can make a big difference in the outcome of your divorce proceedings. When to Represent Yourself If you and your spouse are divorcing amicably, you may be able to successfully represent yourself, as long as these additional circumstances are met.
10 May 2016
If you and your partner have decided that marriage is not in the future but you want to remain committed, you may choose to simply live together. Many people have decided to move their relationship forward in this way. While it is not at all uncommon, it could lead to some issues should the relationship end one day. Unlike marriage, where you enter a legal contract that determines the division of assets if it ends, living together offers no legal protection.
19 April 2016
Have you ever picked something up, read the warning label, and wondered, "Why on earth do they need to tell someone this?" It's because a provision of the law known as a "failure to warn," which is an important part of many product liability cases involving personal injuries. If you've been injured while using a commercially sold product, this is what you should know about warning labels and the law.
23 February 2016
Disability can affect anyone at any point in time. Thanks to social security disability payments, you can make sure you get the money you are entitled to and focus on what you need to do to get things straightened around once again. However, many people have formed a few misconceptions about social security disability payments that end up making the application process even more confusing when they apply. To make sure you know what you are dealing with, here are three common misconceptions you need to be aware of.
12 February 2016
Thanks to Florida Statute 316.027(b), also known as the "Vulnerable Road User Law," drivers may face increased penalties if they hit a pedestrian or other at-risk users of the roadways. Here's what drivers in Florida should know: The vulnerable road user law This Florida statute was passed into law in 2015 at the urging of bicyclists and others who share the streets and highways with standard vehicular traffic. The goal of the law is to lower the number of fatalities on Florida's roads.